- Advanced Fat removal
- For men and women
- Achieve athletic physique
- Can reveal muscles on your arms & stomach
- Can improve lines of definition
Specialised, cutting-edge body sculpting technique to highlight your muscles.
3-4 hours
4-7 days*
Conscious sedation
3 - 14 days dependent on area and lifestyle
Permanent dependent on lifestyle
4-6 weeks*
Vaser 4D is an innovative form of fat removal and body sculpting definition, similar to Vaser High Definition. However, this specialised Vaser 4D London technique helps to provide the added benefit of following the natural movement of your muscles that creates a 4D effect in order to achieve the optimum, natural-looking results.
The procedure is a more gentle and precise form of fat removal than with other traditional liposuction techniques and will minimise any bruising and downtime. Vaser 4D works perfectly to tackle the localised stubborn areas of fat that can build up with its vaser liposuction machine, something that diet and exercise alone may struggle to remove alone.
At EF MEDISPA, our mission is to provide clients with the best Vaser 4D liposuction London has to offer, with us only selecting highly experienced Surgeons who will perform our surgical procedures. Vaser 4D London is performed under conscious sedation, allowing for same-day treatment with no need for an overnight stay. Our friendly and highly experienced medical team of experts will be with you throughout every step of the process, tailoring the treatment accordingly to your exact individual needs.
If you have struggled with one particular part of your body or failed to achieve the results you desired through diet and exercise alone, Vaser 4D will help to tackle the stubborn areas of fat you want to target.
Whether fat has accumulated on your abdomen over time or due to childbirth and you’ve been unable to lose it through diet and exercise alone, Vaser 4D might be the answer. A shapely waist can be difficult to regain once the fat has begun to store around your middle. If you’ve been exercising regularly and work hard at the gym, but your muscle definition still hides behind the stubborn layer of tummy fat that has built up, Vaser 4D treatment might be the perfect solution for you.
Removing the excess belly fat will not only help to reduce your waist measurement but also help to reveal a more sculpted six-pack. The precise and targeted capability of Vaser 4D enables any unwanted fat to be removed from the waist and abdomen, carefully sculpting a more refined and shapelier figure.
Many men and women long for slimmer or more athletic legs, often hiding them away because they may not be happy with their shape. Vaser 4D offers a less invasive fat removal solution that not only removes fat from the hips, inner and outer thigh areas but will also work with your own unique muscle structure to give your legs a more desired sculpted and toned look.
As we get older, it is common for fat to accumulate around the buttocks; a difficult area to tackle with diet and exercise alone. Vaser 4D treatment enables any unwanted fat to be removed from the exact areas you desire to target, working with your own muscle structure to provide a more toned and shapelier derrière. This cutting-edge fat removal process will help to smooth and refine your buttocks, to achieve a better-contoured figure.
We understand that many men will suffer from a stubborn fat build up around many specific parts of their bodies, which can often be difficult to tackle by purely using diet and exercise alone. Vaser 4D can be the perfect solution for tackling any stubborn fat in these common trouble areas, such as love handles, the stomach and chest.
Many men and women work hard to achieve a six-pack, only to find that the stubborn layer of fat around the abdomen is hiding all their efforts. Vaser 4D in our London clinics can help to remove any superficial layers of fat from the abdomen area, utilising your own personal muscle structure to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Vaser 4D is an innovative treatment that enables men to enjoy the benefits of a fat removal treatment that results in a more toned and athletic physique.
It can be common for men to accumulate fat around the chest, creating a look that is often referred to as ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’. This area can be difficult to tackle using diet and exercise alone. Vaser 4D is an incredibly precise method of fat removal that enables fat to be removed from the chest and reveal a more refined, natural-looking, male body figure.
Love handles are another common trouble area for men that can significantly affect your overall body shape and can is particularly difficult to reduce or eliminate with diet and exercise alone. Vaser 4D fat reduction allows fat to be removed from the areas you want to reduce. When working on the love handle area, Vaser 4D will help to sculpt a more toned and refined look, working with your own existing muscle structure.
Vaser 4D body sculpting definition is a very popular fat removal and body sculpting procedure for both our male and female clients. Its intelligent and innovative precision makes it the perfect treatment to reveal and highlight your six-pack, hone female curves and sculpt your arms and legs for a more athletic physique.
Please keep in mind that the areas of fat that can be removed with the vaser liposuction machine are unique to each patient and will be discussed in detail with a Treatment Coordinator.
Vaser 4D at EF MEDISPA is carried out at one of our London clinics by our highly experienced Surgeons. Vaser 4D procedure takes around 3 – 4 hours. The treatment does not require any general anaesthesia as conscious sedation is used for your convenience, reducing the downtime and recovery time experienced.
Your Cosmetic Surgeon will start by making a small incision into the part of your body that is to receive the treatment. A small probe will then be inserted and used to transmit ultrasonic waves to break down the pockets of fat, enabling the unwanted fat to be safely extracted.
Each client is unique in their requirements, but depending on your lifestyle, general health and the areas you want to treat, you can expect to return to work in approximately 4-7 days. We estimate that a full recovery will take approximately 3 – 14 days and recommend that you look to rest for at least 12 hours following your Vaser 4D procedure.
Post-surgery, a compression garment will need to be worn around the Vaser 4D treated areas. This garment is designed to assist in the healing process and maximise the end results. It also works to prevent any pockets of fluid from forming, whilst giving you added physical support and comfort.
Your Surgeon will explain what to expect after the treatment in more detail before you decide to go ahead with Vaser 4D, to ensure you are fully informed and prepared for the procedure. Our Treatment Coordinator will advise you on the bespoke aftercare treatment plan you should follow to accelerate the healing and to improve your results. Finally, our amazing medical team will advise you on what you should avoid after the procedure and will book your review appointments to ensure your progress is being monitored.
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Vaser 4D is an innovative and advanced body sculpting definition technique that can be used to help create a defined six-pack or sculpt an hourglass figure. This highly advanced procedure is used to precisely remove the superficial fat by creating contouring where the muscles should be.
Both Vaser Hi-Def and Vaser 4D seek to achieve a more sculpted look. The difference between the two is that Vaser Hi-Def will highlight your muscles whilst Vaser 4D treatment takes it a step further by sculpting them, following their natural movements to create a desired 4D effect.
Your initial complimentary, no-obligation consultation will assess which Vaser sculpting procedure is right for you. It is during this consultation that we will be able to assess what your individual needs are and whether Vaser 4D is the right treatment for your desired results.