Mole Removal Summary

Procedure time

20 minutes

Back to work



Local anaesthetic



Duration of results

Maintenance courses maybe required



Cosmetic mole removal in London

Whilst moles are common skin conditions, they can be irritating and often affect your self-confidence. If you are seeking a professional treatment to address these concerns, you can be confident that you are in safe hands with our highly experienced dermatologists at EF MEDISPA. Striving to offer the best cosmetic treatments in London, you can be confident in an effective and comfortable experience with us.

Following an assessment of your moles, our dermatologist will give you their expert advice and recommendations on the best course of action. This will include ways to minimise any potential scarring.

Cosmetic mole removal in London

mole removal London

What is a mole?

A mole is a small, coloured growth on the surface of the skin that develops when the skin’s pigment cells grow in clusters instead of spreading evenly. 

One of the most common causes of skin moles is UV light. Meaning that skin with greater exposure to the sun tends to have an increased number of moles.

Exposure to the sun, hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy can all cause moles to darken.

  • Mole removal starting from £300
  • Consultation fee with Specialist Dermatologist can be deducted from price of treatment
  • Additional 10% discount if you have more than one mole to be removed

What are my mole treatment options?

Shave mole removal

Shaving is a fast and painless method commonly used for treating raised moles. It involves an injection of local anaesthetic just under the mole to numb the area, before this special surgical technique is performed to shave the mole down, making it flush with the surrounding skin.

Excision mole removal

The excision method to remove moles is usually recommended for flat moles or moles that are potentially worrying. This procedure involves a painless injection of local anaesthetic under the mole to numb the area, before the dermatologist uses a scalpel to remove the mole and a border of good skin surrounding it. The small opening is then brought together with stitches.

Tailored to your concern

At EF MEDISPA we take pride in our personalised approach to each private mole removal in London. Our team of experts will always strive to create the most effective, bespoke mole removal plan to maximise your results and minimise scarring.

Cosmetic mole removal in London

What are the benefits of mole removal in London?

  1. HEALTH - While most moles are benign, those that change colour or shape are a concern. This could be an indication to the development of melanoma, which is a dangerous form of skin cancer. Therefore, it is vitally important that you have any suspicious moles checked as soon as possible.
  2. SKIN IRRITATION - The removal of moles reduce skin irritation that can occur when moles rub against our clothing or jewellery. It also eliminates the catching of raised moles whilst shaving.
  3. COSMETIC - Some moles can be very prominent and difficult to conceal, which can have an impact on your self-esteem. Cosmetic mole procedures are an excellent way to improve your self-confidence.

Why should I have mole removal in London at EF MEDISPA?

Our specialist, award-winning clinics provide a welcoming and safe environment with a team of highly qualified and experienced clinical practitioners and dermatologists. We are confident that we offer the best mole removal clinic in London and ensure that every patient is completely satisfied with their treatment with us. Our skin experts will assess your mole and discuss with you the most suitable form of treatment that will offer the best results. Call our highly experienced Team at EF MEDISPA today to book your consultation.

Cosmetic mole removal in London

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Mole Removal FAQs

What areas can be treated with cosmetic mole removal in London?

You can have mole removal treatment anywhere on your body. Our team of expert dermatologists are experienced in removing moles from the face, body and even sensitive and hard to reach areas.

How long do mole removal procedures take?

This procedure take around 20 minutes to complete, but depends on the size or the number of moles being treated.

Is the removal process painful?

The level of discomfort is dependent on the wart removal technique. For the excision method, the area is numbed with a local anaesthetic. After treatment, the skin may be tender for a few days and will need to have a dressing applied.

Will it leave scarring?

After the removal of your mole, you may see a pink mark or small scar on your skin, however this will fade over time.


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After suffering with severe digestive problems for many years, I decided to book a course of hydrotherapy treats at EE Medispa in Chelsea. Having never had this treatment I was quite nervous but the staff and my practitioner Victoria made the whole process very comfortable. I have now been seeing Victoria for regular sessions for about two months and I can honestly say it has changed my life. I have completely changed my diet and the process of detoxification has helped me eliminate everything that was causing me to feel so unwell for many years. I would highly recommend this service to anyone with digestive issues. I am now on my second course of treatments and continue to see great results. This is one of the best investments in my health I have ever made. Thank you so much Victoria! : )

Ambi Jane

Colonic Irrigation

The Zone Out treatment was fantastic, it relaxed my mind and body, clearing my head of all that “London” stress … Victoria, the Hydrotherapist was incredibly knowledgeable and informative; above all making me feel at ease …I can’t wait to come back again!

Jennifer Burton

Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy

I had Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy. I was immediately at ease with Victoria, she was both friendly and professional. I wasn't sure what to expect with this treatment but within a few minutes of it starting I was already in an extremely relaxed, almost meditative state. It was like being transported into a zone between asleep and awake where you are totally at calm - thoughts can enter your mind but you just let them float away. Afterwards I felt as though I had been asleep for a hours, I was relaxed but also rejuvenated. I would highly recommend trying this!

Matilda Napier

Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy

I had the Colonic; Victoria thoroughly explained every part of the procedure, which made for a relaxing experience. I can’t wait to come back again!

Camilla Pryce

Colonic Irrigation

Victoria floats in, complete with bangles and maxiskirt, far from the overall-clad dominatrix I had envisaged. The consultation and treatment explanation are extensive but reassuring and by the time I am gowned up on the bed, I’d honestly trust her with my life. The process is much more civilised than you’d think. Within four sessions, my eyes are brighter, my skin is clearer and I have the energy of a five-year old on a sugar high. The difference is astounding.”

Jessica Hough - Marie Claire Beauty

Colonic Irrigation

It felt GREAT. I’m booking my second visit already.

Lucy Gornall - Fit & Well magazine

Colonic Irrigation

Victoria is incredibly nice about what must be one of the world’s least appealing jobs…I feel so slim, spritely and ready for a dance with John Travolta

Imogen Edward-Jones - Get The Gloss

Colonic Irrigation

I really can't tell you how much better my tummy feels today, like a real weight has been lifted. She is a fantastic therapist, and incredibly knowledgeable.

Vogue Beauty Blog

Colonic Irrigation

17 years of experience, over 250,000 treatments performed