The combination of ultrasound and radiofrequency technology promises highly effective results, as one promotes fat reduction whilst the other tightens the skin. Different applicators are used dependent on whether you're opting for face or body contouring or both, offering a customised experience.
Ultrasound provides skin reshaping and contouring benefits by using heat to break down fat cells on areas such as the arms, thighs, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and submental region. Alma's patented ultrasound waves specifically target adipose tissue which stores body fat, eliminating a significant amount of volume and circumference, and continuing to breakdown fat deposits overtime. Radiofrequency helps firm loose skin and enhance lymphatic drainage to reduce the visibility of cellulite and promote an overall rejuvenated appearance. Proven to penetrate much deeper than other RF technologies, Alma RF uses a unique 40.68 MHz frequency to deliver homogeneous heating to the skin that stimulates new collagen production.