Bride getting ready for wedding With the Royal wedding fast approaching and wedding season in full swing – we are feeling the wedding fever! Our bets are that Meghan Markle has been looking after her skin pre-wedding, so why not do the same for a princess worthy complexion? Wedding planning is exciting and fun, but we also know how stressful it can be and unfortunately our skin bears the brunt of this. We’ve put together a guide to achieve and maintain wedding-ready skin, giving you one less thing to worry about.  Our bespoke treatment plan will help to give you long lasting and consistent results, with an expert practitioner on hand to answer all of your skin related questions. Whether your wedding is just around the corner, next year – or the year after, it’s never too early to prep, so let the countdown begin…

Month 12 – 8: STRENGTHEN AND REGENERATE Treatment Type: Microneedling Frequency: Once a month for 4 months Treatment options:  Dermastamp or Dermapen

DermastampOur Dermastamp or Dermapen treatments are fantastic, minimally invasive options that help to activate the release of new collagen and elastin by creating micro-traumas by tiny needles. The traumas trigger the skin to heal itself, helping to repair any damage and rejuvenate the skin. Dermapen is a handheld electronic device with 12 disposable microscopic needles, our highly trained practitioner will glide the pen over your area of concern to gently puncture the skin. Dermastamp is another microneedling treatment we offer, and this utilises a handheld stamping device to create vertical microperforations across the skin, here we can use a bespoke cocktail of vitamins to gently penetrate deeper into the epidermis.

Month 8 – 5: SMOOTH AND RETEXTURE Treatment Type: Resurfacers / Light Peels Frequency: Once every 2 weeks for 3 months Treatment options: Blueberry Smoothie / Pomegranate Skin peel / Peptide Resurfacing Skin Peel

Now we have strengthened and hydrated the skin, a bespoke peel is the next step to smooth and retexture as well as removing any dead skin. Peels are also a fantastic natural anti-ageing and skin tightening option. At EF MEDISPA we offer a wide range of bespoke peels, our practitioner will analyse your skin and decide on the best one for you and your skin’s needs. Our light peels will leave your skin perfectly buffed, ready for the next step!

Month 5 - 2: HYDRATE AND PLUMP Treatment Type: Laser + Microneedling Frequency: Once every 2 weeks for 3 months Treatment options: Quick Lift + Mesotherapy

Quick liftQuick Lift combined with our microneedling method, Mesotherapy will leave your skin super hydrated, glowing and plump. Quick Lift is an innovative, pain-free, non-ablative laser treatment that can provide instant rejuvenation and smoothing of the skin. This cutting-edge laser can penetrate four times deeper than other lasers without damaging the upper layers of the skin. Also known as our ‘lunchtime facelift’, Quick Lift is a quick, non-invasive, skin rejuvenation treatment that can be fitted into the busiest of schedules. Quick Lift is suitable for all skin types and can help to tackle fine lines, wrinkles and dull texture. Following this, we recommend Mesotherapy, an effective skin rejuvenation treatment that enables a bespoke combination of powerful vitamins, minerals or hyaluronic acid to be injected into the lower layers of the skin, thanks to the use of a microneedle.

2 months to go – BRIGHTEN Treatment Type: Bespoke brightening facial Frequency: Once every 2 weeks for 6 weeks Treatment options: Retinol Infused Facial

bespoke retinol infused facial at EF MEDISPAYour skin will now be strong, retextured, hydrated and ready for the final few months of treatments. Two months out we will focus on brightening the skin and targeting any discolouration. Having a bespoke retinol infused facial at EF MEDISPA will not only help you relax but will also work to brighten and rejuvenate your skin. Retinol is clinically proven to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearance of large pores and refine the skin’s texture, which makes this the perfect treatment to give you a youthful glow. We use a combination of 4% retinol and hyaluronic acid, which penetrates the skin and stimulates cell renewal. This treatment will also help the skin to produce more collagen, leaving your skin looking plump, smooth and wrinkle free!    

2 weeks to go – REST Treatment: Sleep & Care Frequency: Every day Treatment options: Bespoke skincare routine

Now that you’re two weeks out from the best day of your life, your skin will be glowing, healthy, rejuvenated and fresh but this doesn’t mean it’s time to neglect it! You’ve got your skin to optimum gorgeousness, so you need to maintain it until the big day (and thereafter). Using a bespoke at-home skincare regime that your EF MEDISPA practitioner has recommend is just as important as sleep and rest. It’s been proven that sleep can dramatically improve skin by regenerating the skin's cells, so take this time to perfect your skincare routine and catch up on some much-needed Z’s.

1 week to go – LIGHT UP Treatment: Light Therapy Frequency: Once – the week of the wedding Treatment options: LED Luminous Lift

LED Luminous LiftOur LED Luminous Lift treatment is the very first light treatment to combine all the benefits of red, infrared and blue light frequencies within one treatment. Its powerful healing benefits make it the ideal solution for blemish or acne prone skin and will give the skin an instant boost. LED Luminous Lift is one of the most relaxing treatments that we offer. Lay back and relax, whilst the most advanced light frequencies are working to replenish, repair and rejuvenate your skin.     Visit or pop into our various locations for a complimentary consultation. All treatments are tailored to the individual therefore pricing is available upon consultation. EF MEDISPA London locations; Kensington, Chelsea, St John’s Wood, Richmond EF MEDISPA regional locations; Bristol and Edgbaston (Birmingham)

17 years of experience, over 250,000 treatments performed