Start the day with hot water and lemonGlass of water and lemon Lemon is alkaline forming in the body; therefore it helps to balance out the more acidic forming foods such as meats, processed sugars and alcohol. Something which most of us will have consumed quite a lot of over the Christmas period! Freshly picked vegatablesEat veggies with every meal Aim to eat something green for breakfast, lunch and dinner over the month of January. If you’re feeling brave add them into your snacks too. They will give your body a boost and a well needed hit of nutrients to make you feel energised throughout this dark winter month. Spinach at breakfast, broccoli or salad at lunch and green beans with dinner make it easy to include.   Cleanse your system So many elements of your health stem from your gut – when your digestive system is sluggish it will show in your skin, weight and general health. To kick-start the body back into its efficient, stress-free state, Colonic Hydrotherapy offers a fast-track solution that is not only very effective but serenely relaxing.   Shot of alcoholGo dry in January Cutting out all alcohol in January can be a good tactic and a positive start to your new year. It will help you reset after the Christmas period and give your body a break. You’ll be surprised how good you feel without it!   Tackle the toxinsElectro Lymphatic Therapy Toxins not only upset the digestive system, they also show in other areas of the body and can be a big factor in cellulite. Our bespoke cellulite treatments use specialist lymphatic drainage techniques to eliminate the build up of toxins and in turn smooth dimpled skin. Try our Electro Lymphatic Therapy treatment for the best results in cellulite reduction and skin toning.   Throw the leftovers away! Leftover Christmas chocolate, mince pies and treats can completely hinder getting back on track. If it is sitting around the house it will be eaten so do yourself a favour and give yourself the best possible chance by clearing out the cupboards of all these festive fancies.   Don’t keep the turkey for Christmas only Turkey is a fantastic source of protein. It is super lean and is high in tyrosine, an amino acid which helps raise dopamine levels giving you more energy and mental awareness.

17 years of experience, over 250,000 treatments performed