The Mums In The Wood guide to wellness
It is all well and good trying to focus on your health and well being, however realistically it can be very challenging if you have young children to look after as your first priority. We had a chat with Rajni Jayasekera, founder of the fantastically insightful parenting and lifestyle blog Mums In The Wood to discuss incorporating wellness into your life as a parent.
It can be hard focusing on your wellness with young children demanding your attention. What are your top three tips for incorporating wellness into the busy schedule of being a Mum?
This is quite a difficult question to answer as I myself am a poor example to mums in this regard. However, I do understand what the experts mean when they say that you have to make time for yourself in order to get through the day and negotiate everything from sleepless nights to toddler tantrums. My top three tips would be:
1) Don’t forget to eat!
2) Try to go for a walk at least once a day with or without your little one
3) Try to meet and speak to other mums who are in a similar position. It makes a world of difference to have people around you who understand what you are experiencing and going through.
We have numerous mummy classes, offers and discounts for mums who are part of the Mums In The Wood Readership. We also meet every Wednesday at 10.30 at Megan’s café on St John’s Wood High Street so that mums get a little time to meet other mums and exchange tips and advice. We often have experts/specialists like paediatricians, therapists, nutritionists, psychologists and many others who offer free talks and guidance to parents.
How important do you think it is for Mums to still feel good about themselves when they are looking after young children?
I think it is incredibly important. If you don’t feel good about yourself it will have an effect on your relationships with your child and your partner or husband. The less you look after yourself, the more stressed, anxious and depressed you begin to feel. It is important to make the effort to leave the house, sit in a park (whenever you can), let someone else take over for an hour, if you can and at the very least relax in a bath for a little while. If you cannot function as a person, you cannot look after your child/children so if you can, make the time to do something for yourself however infrequent or occasional it may be.
What are your tips for Mums to help them look and feel good?
The important thing when you are a new mum is feeling good. That means different things to different people. Mainly because you spend your whole time looking after your child and everyone else around is focusing on the baby as well, new mums need a little bit of TLC to make themselves feel wanted and appreciated at times. Retail therapy, spas, treatments all help. A really good solution would be to start with making sure your husband or partner makes a real effort to make you feel supported and pampers you a little bit.
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