Treatment Summary

Procedure time

2-5 hours*

Back to work

2 weeks


General anaesthetic


1-6 weeks

Duration of results

Dependant on the patient



What is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck” is a surgical procedure carried out to help improve the shape of the tummy area. By removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen area and tightening the muscles, a shapely, more toned appearance is achievable. All treatments are tailored to the individual, and your specific needs. Results may very from person to person, which is why it is advisable to speak with our Treatment Coordinators to assess your treatment options.

All treatments are tailored to the individual and personal experiences and results may vary. We recommend a one to one consultation with our Treatment Coordinators to discuss your treatment options.

Abdominoplasty London

Abdominoplasty in London: the methods

Full abdominoplasty:

  • This tummy tuck is recommended for patients with excess skin.
  • The surgeon will make an incision to the abdomen to remove excess skin and fat.
  • They will also realign the abdominal muscles and separate the connective tissues around the belly button, so that it can be repositioned.
Mini abdominoplasty:

  • This tummy tuck procedure is offered to patients with minor excess skin.
  • A smaller cut is made across the lower stomach to remove the excess skin and fat.
Endoscopic abdominoplasty:

  • This technique is effective for tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall.
  • Recovery time of this time of abdominoplasty is comparable to a full tummy tuck since the abdominal wall repair is what often creates most of the discomfort.
Extended abdominoplasty:

  • Also known as the ‘Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty’.
  • This body contouring tummy tuck here in London eliminates excess fat and skin on the stomach, using a vertical and horizontal incision.

All of the surgical procedures above are performed under a general anaesthetic and usually take between 2 – 5 hours, depending on the extent of the tummy tuck surgery. During your consultation with our Treatment Coordinator, you will be scheduled to meet with a surgeon to discuss which technique of abdominoplasty surgery in London is most suited to your individual needs.

Am I suitable for Abdominoplasty surgery in London?

An abdominoplasty in London is not a quick-fix alternative to losing weight. A Tummy tuck in the UK is most suitable for patients who have excess or loose skin around the abdomen area from weight loss or pregnancy.

Before considering a tummy tuck operation, it is important that you are maintaining a stable weight. Your consultant may suggest postponing the abdominoplasty surgery in London if you aim to lose a lot of weight or you are considering a future pregnancy.

Abdominoplasty London

Tummy Tuck: What happens during the procedure?

Different techniques are used depending on the type of tummy tuck procedure you require.

Full Abdominoplasty Surgery

  • Excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen and connective tissues and muscles are tightened.
  • The remaining skin and the belly button are then repositioned to create a smooth and more toned looking tummy.
  • Carried out under a general anaesthetic, meaning you will be asleep throughout the procedure and unable to feel any pain.
  • This can take between two to five hours and usually requires an overnight stay in our partner private hospital.
Mini Abdominoplasty Surgery

  • This is a modified tummy tuck that uses a shorter C-section-like incision to remove less excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles.
  • To be eligible the patient must have minimal to moderate skin redundancy, a small amount of abdominal fat, and minor to moderate muscle flaccidity.
Endoscopic Abdominoplasty

  • A minimally invasive procedure compared to the full tummy tuck in the UK.
  • It is used to address weakened stomach muscles and not excess skin or fat.
Extended Fleur de Lis Abdominoplasty

  • This procedure is an extension to the full tummy tuck where the surgeon will also remove excess skin from the patient’s hip area.
  • This procedure consists of a horizontal incision similar to the traditional tummy tuck, as well as an incision that runs vertically up the middle of the stomach.

What are the benefits of Abdominoplasty in London?

After extreme weight loss or pregnancy, stomach muscles can become weakened resulting in the skin around the tummy area appearing loose and saggy. This can be difficult to improve through diet and exercise alone and this is where a tummy tuck in the UK is beneficial. This surgical procedure helps to tighten weak muscles and remove excess skin and fat to flatten the abdomen.

Abdominoplasty London

Why have an Abdominoplasty at EF Medispa?

  • Our highly experienced doctors and surgeons strive to provide the very best abdominoplasty in the UK.
  • We focus on treating the individual, understanding your personal concerns, goals and wishes.
  • We pride ourselves on helping our patients feel relaxed and comfortable at all times, offering natural looking results from all our treatments.
  • Our bespoke aftercare programmes are designed to enhance your healing and recovery process.
  • Your Treatment Coordinator will devise a bespoke aftercare plan for you to ensure that you remain carefully monitored, even after you have been discharged.
Abdominoplasty London

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Step by step Abdominoplasty in London

  1. No obligation consultation

    We offer a no obligation consultation with one of our expert Treatment Coordinators to talk about your concerns and goals and discuss your treatment options. You can decide between a full tummy tuck, mini abdominoplasty, Fleur de Lis abdominoplasty or endoscopic abdominoplasty. This gives you the opportunity to ask your consultant questions and learn more about our tummy tuck surgery options.

  2. Meet your practitioners

    Meet with your surgeon before any treatment begins. This will allow you to discuss your tummy tuck in London in more detail and express any concerns that you may have. Your Treatment Coordinator will then put your procedure schedule in place and arrange your aftercare plan. We also offer a 14-day cooling off period, should you change your mind about the surgery.

  3. Before the procedure

    On the day of your tummy tuck in London, your surgeon will meet you in your private room to run through the process again and discuss any questions or issues. Once you have been accompanied to the operation theatre, your anaesthetist will administer the anaesthetic to ensure that you are comfortable, and the procedure is pain free.

  4. During the procedure

    The surgeon will make an incision to the abdomen from hip to hip. They will then remove the excess skin and fat and tighten the abdominal muscles. Your surgeon will also carefully separate the connective tissues around the belly button, so that it can be repositioned. Finally, the incision will be stitched together, and dressings will be applied.

  5. After the procedure

    You are likely to have some bruising, swelling and pain after an abdominoplasty in the UK and have some dressing and drains attached to your abdomen. You will be given post-operative pain killers to ensure you are as comfortable as possible, and you should be able to go home the day after surgery.

Abdominoplasty FAQs

How long will the tunny tuck results last?

Tummy tuck results are usually long lasting; however it is important that the patient maintains a stable weight after treatment, in order to retain optimum results.

Is the abdominoplasty procedure painful?

During a tummy tuck in the UK, a patient will be given a general anaesthetic, which means they will be unable to feel pain. However, there may be some moderate post-surgery pain. This can usually be controlled with pain medication. Tightening of the abdominal muscles can increase this post surgery pain.

How will I know if I'm suitable for the procedure?

Our abdominoplasty in London can be suitable for patients who have excess or loose skin around the abdomen area from weight loss or pregnancy. Before considering this operation, it is important that you are maintaining a stable weight and you are not planning a pregnancy.

What is an abdominoplasty’s downtime requirements?

Most patients are back on their feet on day one and can return to normal activities within six weeks. You should be able to return to work after two weeks, depending on your occupation. It is not advised to lift anything heavy for at least six weeks.

Is there anything I need to do before the procedure?

It is important that you stop smoking several weeks before the operation. You should also maintain a healthy lifestyle and a stable weight. Your doctor may advise some moderate exercise to help your body prepare for the procedure.


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After suffering with severe digestive problems for many years, I decided to book a course of hydrotherapy treats at EE Medispa in Chelsea. Having never had this treatment I was quite nervous but the staff and my practitioner Victoria made the whole process very comfortable. I have now been seeing Victoria for regular sessions for about two months and I can honestly say it has changed my life. I have completely changed my diet and the process of detoxification has helped me eliminate everything that was causing me to feel so unwell for many years. I would highly recommend this service to anyone with digestive issues. I am now on my second course of treatments and continue to see great results. This is one of the best investments in my health I have ever made. Thank you so much Victoria! : )

Ambi Jane

Colonic Irrigation

The Zone Out treatment was fantastic, it relaxed my mind and body, clearing my head of all that “London” stress … Victoria, the Hydrotherapist was incredibly knowledgeable and informative; above all making me feel at ease …I can’t wait to come back again!

Jennifer Burton

Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy

I had Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy. I was immediately at ease with Victoria, she was both friendly and professional. I wasn't sure what to expect with this treatment but within a few minutes of it starting I was already in an extremely relaxed, almost meditative state. It was like being transported into a zone between asleep and awake where you are totally at calm - thoughts can enter your mind but you just let them float away. Afterwards I felt as though I had been asleep for a hours, I was relaxed but also rejuvenated. I would highly recommend trying this!

Matilda Napier

Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy

I had the Colonic; Victoria thoroughly explained every part of the procedure, which made for a relaxing experience. I can’t wait to come back again!

Camilla Pryce

Colonic Irrigation

Victoria floats in, complete with bangles and maxiskirt, far from the overall-clad dominatrix I had envisaged. The consultation and treatment explanation are extensive but reassuring and by the time I am gowned up on the bed, I’d honestly trust her with my life. The process is much more civilised than you’d think. Within four sessions, my eyes are brighter, my skin is clearer and I have the energy of a five-year old on a sugar high. The difference is astounding.”

Jessica Hough - Marie Claire Beauty

Colonic Irrigation

It felt GREAT. I’m booking my second visit already.

Lucy Gornall - Fit & Well magazine

Colonic Irrigation

Victoria is incredibly nice about what must be one of the world’s least appealing jobs…I feel so slim, spritely and ready for a dance with John Travolta

Imogen Edward-Jones - Get The Gloss

Colonic Irrigation

I really can't tell you how much better my tummy feels today, like a real weight has been lifted. She is a fantastic therapist, and incredibly knowledgeable.

Vogue Beauty Blog

Colonic Irrigation

17 years of experience, over 250,000 treatments performed